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Thursday, September 20 2018

The Fighting Family

When Stacy MacQuarrie signed up to fight in Boston's Belles of the Brawl 2018 event, no one in her life was surprised. Stacy?s a self-described ?intense, Type-A person? with a long love for boxing, and she has always wanted to get in the ring.

Thursday, September 20 2018

Boxer in Training: Alyssa Cote

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Tuesday, September 18 2018

Boxer in Training: Tracy Deforge

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Sunday, September 16 2018

Boxer in Training: Claudia Rosenblatt

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Friday, September 14 2018

Boxer in Training: Kim Holman

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Wednesday, September 12 2018

Boxer in Training: Sophie Morgan

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Monday, September 10 2018

Boxer in Training: Danielle Lamy

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Friday, September 7 2018

Hope NYC VII: Stephen Gill

During the coming months, we?ll be highlighting our fighters in training for the upcoming Hope NYC in NYC on November 15th. They?ve committed to four months of fundraising and training in preparation to get in the ring and literally fight for a cure.

Friday, September 7 2018

Boxer in Training: Denise Lavino

You?ve heard who they are and why they?re fighting. But now that we?re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They?ve been punched in the face.

Friday, September 7 2018

Hope NYC VII: Matt Shendell

During the coming months, we?ll be highlighting our fighters in training for the upcoming Hope NYC in NYC on November 15th. They?ve committed to four months of fundraising and training in preparation to get in the ring and literally fight for a cure.