Saturday, July 27 2019
You’ve heard who they are and why they’re fighting. But now that we’re over the halfway mark until the big night on September 19th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They’ve been punched in the face. Most have had a bloody nose here or there, their diets have changed, and boxing is becoming an everyday part of their lives. So we figured it was about time to check back in and see how things have been going. Rachel Frankel has been putting in work at Urban Boxing DC and below you’ll hear about her first time sparring and more about his experience with Haymakers thus far.
We’re halfway to fight night, how is your training coming along?
Training has been coming along pretty well though I could stand to improve my conditioning.
What is your weekly routine?
I am in the gym about 5 days a week either after work or on weekend mornings. One of those 5 days is dedicated to sparring.
How has your diet changed since training began?
The biggest change is that I have been snacking after dinner far less than normal. I suspect this is because I am exhausted by the time I get home from work and the gym!
Tell us about your first-time sparring, different than expected?
The biggest surprise my first time sparring was how exhausting only a few minutes of effort can be.
What has been the most challenging part of sticking to the routine and training so far?
The most challenging part of training is not eating candy during the work day. A colleague keeps fully stocked candy bowls in the office; she is both my favorite and most hated person right now!
What does your family think of your participation?
My family is supportive, but they don't want to see me get hurt.
It’s amazing how many people’s lives have been touched by cancer in some way - has there been anyone that has surprised you by their story?
Annie Dragolich's story is amazing. Of course, she's my opponent, so after reading her story, you should go to my fighter page and donate!
Has your initial inspiration changed since the start of your training?
I am not sure that my inspiration has changed. I'm still very excited to be fighting for a great cause while pursuing a goal and working to overcome a long-time fear.
Donate to Rachel or purchase a ticket to The Beltway Brawl on September 19th!