You’ve heard who they are and why they’re fighting. But now that we’re over the halfway mark until the big night on May 15th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They’ve been punched in the face. Most have had a bloody nose here or there, their diets have changed, and boxing is becoming an everyday part of their lives. So we figured it was about time to check back in and see how things have been going. Josh Rosenthal has been putting in work at Back Bay Boxing and below you’ll hear about his first time sparring and more about his experience with Haymakers thus far.
We’re halfway to fight night, how is your training coming along?
Training is great, I feel changes in both my cardio and muscular endurance and my sparring has gotten noticeably better. How do I know? Well, I get hit in the face a lot less these days.
What is your weekly routine?
3 days a week are "two-a-days" with sparring on Saturdays. The "two-a-days" consist of conditioning training in the morning at Crossfit Invictus and Boxing training in the evening at Back Bay Boxing. Saturday is sparring day at Back Bay.
How has your diet changed since training began?
I've cut out all alcohol, fried food, processed food and 99% of sweets.
Tell us about your first time sparring, different than expected?
Sparring was a lot different than expected, I was way too anxious. My footwork was all over the place and I was expending a ton of energy by keeping my body tight.
What has been the most challenging part of sticking to the routine and training so far?
The most challenging part is dragging myself to the gym in the evening no matter how long my day has been.
What does your family think of your participation?
My family is stoked. They admire the commitment and courage it takes to participate in something like this. At the end of the day though, I know it doesn't compare to the courage it takes to fight cancer.
It’s amazing how many people’s lives have been touched by cancer in some way - has there been anyone that has surprised you by their story?
The daunting amount of stories is what has actually surprised me. Every single person I know has someone in their circle that has been touched by cancer.
Has your initial inspiration changed since the start of your training?
My inspiration has grown tremendously through this process. The efforts of my fellow fighters, their stories, the stories of their friends and families, they've all inspired me to train, fight, and raise money to help out.
Donate to Matt or purchase a ticket to Rock 'N Rumble IX on May 15th!