
Boxer in Training: Brianna Savard

Written by Haymakers for Hope | Sep 22, 2018 6:45:47 PM

You’ve heard who they are and why they’re fighting. But now that we’re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 10th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They’ve been punched in the face. Most have had a bloody nose here or there, their diets have changed, and boxing is becoming an everyday part of their lives. So we figured it was about time to check back in and see how things have been going. Brianna Savard has been putting in work at Elite Boxing & Fitness and below you’ll hear about her first time sparring and more about his experience with Haymakers thus far.

We’re halfway to fight night, how is your training coming along?
Exhaustingly empowering! Every day and every week is an improvement from the last.

What is your weekly routine?
I'm typically at the gym 5-6 days a week, with sparring 2-3 days, sprints/runs 5-6 days, and weights/strengthing and conditioning 3 days. Saturday mornings are the best - always a huge crowd of badass men and women at the gym for training and sparring.

How has your diet changed since training began?
Clean. Clean. Clean. And a lot less wine... and tacos. But a LOT of chicken. Basically already planning my first 5 meals for after the fight though.

Tell us about your first-time sparring, different than expected?
Definitely a bit different. To go from throwing punches at a bag, or partnering with mitts, to actually moving and trying to punch another moving object was a bit of an adjustment at first.

What has been the most challenging part of sticking to the routine and training so far?
I would say the diet part - there are some days where you just crave a taco, or a juicy burger and beer, or even a chocolate bar, but instead you make some diced strawberries with chia seeds in hopes of curving your sweet tooth.

What does your family think of your participation?
They're all so incredibly proud and supportive. They've seen my transformation from just who I was 18 months ago to now and always remark how this is the best version of myself they've ever seen. Just wait until fight night, fam...

It’s amazing how many people’s lives have been touched by cancer in some way - has there been anyone that has surprised you by their story?
Oh totally - there have been a few Belle's who've told me their own close, personal stories with cancer and I'm incredibly blown away by their strength and perseverance.

Has your initial inspiration changed since the start of your training?
Nope, still there - kick cancer's ass.

Donate to Brianna or purchase a ticket to Belles of the Brawl VI on October 10th!