You’ve heard who they are and why they’re fighting. But now that we’re over the halfway mark until the big night on October 5th, things have started to pick up a bit. Training is getting more intense. They’ve been punched in the face. Most have had a bloody nose here or there, their diets have changed, and boxing is becoming an everyday part of their lives. So we figured it was about time to check back in and see how things have been going. Samantha Ory has been putting in work at UFC Gym and below you’ll hear about her first time sparring and more about his experience with Haymakers thus far.

How is your training coming along?
Training is going really well – I haven’t worked out this hard since I ran on a competitive level. It was a bit of a shock to my system initially, but extra stress that my body has gotten used to at this point. My body actually craves the gym and my whole system is out of sync if I don’t get my daily routine in! I have also noticed a change in my athletic ability. Runs and Yoga sessions that were once more challenging for me have become much easier since I started my boxing and conditioning.

What is your weekly routine?
I train twice a week for 1-2 hours with my coach. The other 4 days I shadow box, jump rope, and hit the bag for at least 45 minutes usually coupled with a run of about 3 miles, swim, yoga, hip hop (for the foot work!) or a boxing cardio course which encompasses some weight lifting. Sunday is my off day and boy do I need it by then.

How has your diet changed since training began?
I expected to be on a strict health kick but soon realized that I am burning so many calories I need fats and sugars so I don’t lose too much weight. I have been eating everything and anything and eat every 2-3 hours (I am literally hungry all the time!) with my big meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One time I was on hour 2 of training and one of the other coaches came in with a Philly cheese steak, and I swear it was almost impossible for me to concentrate. All I cared about was getting my hands on one too!

Tell us about your first time sparring. Different than expected?
Yes, it was actually much scarier than I expected it to be. I got punched in the nose pretty hard, and despite my increased stamina still found myself completely winded – even in a 3 minute round! The fight or flight sensory’ s kicked in and not only did I forget my technique, but even forgot to put my gloves up to avoid the punches because I was so stunned. Not my proudest moment, but something I have since been able to control and am still in the process of training for!

What has been the most challenging part of sticking to the routine and training so far?
The time commitment has been the most difficult part of training for me. It is tough to stick to a steady schedule sometimes with work commitments. Also, working out as hard as you do requires an additional shower, which for a girl can get a bit tedious (girl stuff takes forever) and adds an additional 20-30 minutes to your workout time block. Needless to say, I have definitely been cutting out any make up or hair straightening lately (am I right ladies??)

What does your family think of your participation?
They are honestly a bit worried about me getting beaten up – but quite supportive as they understand this is important to me.

Has there been anyone that has surprised you by their cancer story?
I had a friend that battled cancer (and won!!) He ended up working through the entire ordeal without missing work once except for standard doctor’s appointments. It was truly inspirational to me given how sick he must have been feeling as he was going through treatment but how he refused to let it alter his life and goals in that moment. His story has made me stronger in my own career and made me rethink what I thought of as a “bad day in the office.”

Has your initial inspiration changed since the start of your training?
Not at all, in fact it has gotten more powerful as I go through this journey with the other Belles. I have had so many amazing friends support me by coming to my conditioning sessions, helping me market myself to fundraise, organizing groups together to come support me during fight night and understanding when I am a bit later to events than usual due to training! I really cannot thank them enough!

Donate to Samantha or purchase a ticket to Belles of the Brawl V on October 5th here!