During the coming months, we’ll be highlighting our fighters in training for the upcoming Belles of the Brawl V in Boston on October 5th. They’ve committed to four months of fundraising and training in preparation to get in the ring and literally fight for a cure. Whether they've had first hand experience, their father has passed or their friend has put up a victory against the disease – they’ve all got a story to tell and they’ve all got a reason to fight. Below you’ll hear from Maria Scippa, fighting out of Firicano Boxing & Fitness in Stoneham, MA.
Where are you from?
Wakefield, MA. I have moved around a lot. All I know is New England is my home. I love the seasons, the people and the heart of it!
Where did you go to college?
I graduated this past May with a Bachelor’s in Social Work from Salem State University and I will be graduating in May 2018 from Salem State University with a Graduate Degree in Social Work with a concentration in Children and Families. I found my passion for this field 3 years ago and I haven’t looked back.
Did you play any sports growing up?
I was the young girl wearing a baseball hat and sports team gear. I loved basketball because I could be aggressive and it was fast paced. I also played soccer and softball. I tried being a cheerleader at one point and I am still not sure why!
What do you do for work?
I have packed a lot of experience into my life. My background is mostly in sales and hospitality. I love to work with my hands and see the results of my work. Since finding my passion, my career will be as a clinical social worker working with Children and Families. I am currently a full time student working part time at my family’s business.
Why boxing? Did you ever picture yourself fighting?
I was looking for something new and challenging. A friend suggested to check out Firicano Boxing in Stoneham. I looked up the website, watched a video clip of the trainer and what he did, and I knew right then this was going to be for me! I was so right and I haven’t stopped since.
Why on earth did you sign up to fight??
I have wanted to get in the ring for a long time and Haymakers was my chance to do that while fighting for a good cause! I think Boxing is one of the greatest sports around. The conditioning, the mental toughness and the parallels to life lessons is unmatched. And really, with all that life has thrown at me and I have thrown at it- I’m a fighter!
You’re stepping in the ring to literally fight for a cure - where are you drawing your inspiration from? How has cancer affected you?
My papa is by far my greatest inspiration. I miss him every day. He was a fighter until the end. He was a kind man with the deepest sense of integrity I have known. He lost his battle to Multiple Myeloma 3 years ago. The medical staff that treated my grandfather and supported my family, went above and beyond to ensure my grandfather was treated with dignity and respect and that we all understood what was happening throughout his treatment. Because of that experience, my inspiration exceeds so much further to all the stories that I have shared with people and their battles and to all those who dedicate their life to treating, caring and fighting this disease.
What is going to be the most difficult thing to give up during your training? (beer, cheeseburgers, time spent watching TV?)
I would say the hardest thing to give up during training is going to be sleep! 4am comes pretty quickly! This type of commitment means I have to be willing to sacrifice something. So unless I hit the lottery or pay someone to complete my graduate degree, It will have to be sleep for now. I am told it will all be worth it- and I believe it!
When you’re not throwing punches and training -- what other hobbies/interests do you have?
I really do enjoy fitness and nutrition. My commitment and passion for a healthy lifestyle continues to evolve and keeps my mind right no matter what is going on in my life. When I am not throwing punches or training, I like to give as much energy to my family and friends. I try to spend as much time with the children in my life. Whether that is as a mentor or as Aunite Maria..it is the best! Some of my favorite things are writing, comedy shows, and jamming out to some old school R&B. Oh yeah and something a little quirky…I love to clean and organize!
Who do you think is the most excited to watch you get punched in the face come fight night?
I would say my Dad even though he is all talk! The truth is he would probably cry and try to jump in the ring to make sure I was okay. He is a big teddy bear and I am daddy’s little girl forever- even if I’m in the ring playing the tough girl!
Be sure to check out her fundraising page here and wish her luck! Best of luck, Maria!