
Haymakers at Combat

Written by Haymakers for Hope | Mar 30, 2012 4:00:00 PM
Last night, we headed over to North Station to check in with three of our five fighters at Combat Sports. We got there late, so we missed Doug Clendenin working out, but judging from how sweaty he was, we could tell he got a good workout in. We did, however, get to see Jamie Martz, and Max Lane. Jamie's hard work sure shows. He claims he only comes in four times a week, but our guess is he's a (new) gym rat!  
Max is one of the largest people we have met in real life. Let's just say we weren't surprised to see how hard he hits that bag!   All three of these guys are beyond pumped up for their big fight on May 17th at House of Blues for Haymakers for Hope Rock n' Rumble! Don't forget to help support our fighters, click here to support Doug, here to support Jamie, and here to support Max!