
About Nora Swartwout from Striking Beauties

Written by Haymakers for Hope | Mar 9, 2012 5:00:00 PM
Hi! I am a 28-year old full-time school psychologist at a middle school in Rhode Island. I was a swimmer in high school and college and have since participated in some short road races and triathlons to find an outlet for my competitive side, but nothing has filled this void as well as boxing.  I got into the sport almost two years ago, taking classes and participating in the occasional sparring session, but I've taken my training to a whole new level since being selected to fight in Haymakers.  After receiving the news at the end of January life has become a never-ending cycle of sleeping, working, and training, but I'm hoping to see results in May when I step into the ring. Two days after the Haymakers event, I will also be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, a two-day, 39 mile walk to raise money for breast cancer research! I participated in this event last year and absolutely loved it, but now my hope is to simply to survive the weekend by meeting all of my fundraising goals and being able to walk on May 21st!